12-12 Consciousness Portal
"12-12 Consciousness Portal" was created and channeled by Dawn. This portal was created in the energies leading up to the December 12th 12-12 portal for 2021. It was created with the sacred geometry numerical energies of 12 and 12, along with some 3-6-9 energy - a magical occurrence.
Allow the sacred geometries and Light Codes to assist you in connecting with the ascension energies of the 12-12 Consciousness Portal. Assisting you in bringing more Light Codes from the sun and the cosmos in a gentle way as well as helping you to find love in your heart and state of being, peace, calm, and connectedness to All That Is.
If you feel called upon to connect with your star family, this portal can also help with that. On this 12-12-21 day, there will be an alignment of 5 planets, 2 asteroids, and the Moon.
This sacred geometry portal also assists you in raising your vibration (and the vibration of your space), and maintaining your frequency at a higher level.
Feel the calming yet energizing love coming through into your heart space as you focus and meditate on That. Feel the inner calm, the Love for your Self, and the Joy of Being.
"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, you would have a key to the Universe." Nikola Tesla
Each piece of art is created by Dawn from the heart space with the intention of Love, Peace, Joy, and Gratitude.